Image Film Production

Are you looking for an Agency for an Image Film Production?

Telling stories - the fascination of Moving Images

With a select network of creatives and producers, we have dedicated ourselves to the Production of Image Films.

Companies and Brands rely on our Storytelling.

Let VUCX create a customized Image Film for you.


Why should you produce an Image Film with VUCX?

The VUCX Team, as an Image Film Production Company, has been producing Image Films and Image Videos for many purposes for more than 25 years. With a keen understanding of your Brand Strategy, we are able to realize Image Films in line with your Brand. Producing impressive Image Videos and telling stories are part of our DNA.
Our years of experience support your Brand in creating a positive image.

An Image Film Production includes the planning, design and realization of an Image Film from conception to completion.
This includes selecting the topic and target group, creating a script, selecting actors and locations, organizing camera teams and other technical resources, editing footage and creating music and language. The cost of an Image Film Production depends on various factors such as the duration of the film, the effort required for filming and Post-production, the number of people involved and the technical resources used.

Below you will find some examples of our Image Film Productions:

Why should you produce an Image Film?

No other medium can position a Brand in people's minds as well as an Image Film. Visual information has been proven to work within milliseconds. Human memory is strongly organized by images. Images are therefore particularly well suited to arousing emotions. And thus create loyalty and trust.

Moving images, photos and video content have become an integral part of Content Marketing. Companies and Brands use the power of moving images to win over viewers.

As a professional Image Film Production Company, we support you in winning over viewers and communicating your message effectively. With our many years of Image Film Production expertise and passion for first-class Image Film Productions, we are at your side to bring your vision to life.

Definition of Image Film

Wikipedia defines Image Film as follows:

"An Image Film is a short film that portrays a company, institution, brand or product with promotional intent."

With an Image Film, a Brand shows its face. It creates an inner image in the viewer. The Image Film is therefore an important communication tool for conveying a certain brand image to customers, employees and stakeholders. It is therefore an important building block in the communication mix for Brand Success.

VUCX produces Image Films (or Image Videos) for various purposes.

Purposes for Image Films

  • Trade Fairs
  • Board Presentations
  • Shareholder Meetings
  • Employer Branding
  • Social Media Campaigns
  • Content Marketing
  • PR
  • Advertising
  • Hybrid Forms

What is the Image Film process at VUCX?

The film production process goes through several phases. These are shown below as examples:

1. (Agency) Briefing
2. Conception
3. Pre-production
4. Production
5. Post-production
6. Distribution

The following list can be used, among other things, as an aid to awarding

among other things. The process is not necessarily chronological. Many points overlap in time.

Image video production process

The relevant steps up to the completion of a cinematic work and the associated parameters are listed. Basically, an Image Film or Commercial can be understood as a unit of creativity and logistics with regard to production. The type and scope play a decisive role in assessing the costs.

1. (Agency) Briefing

Content / Topic: Briefly describe the purpose and background of the project.

Project Goal

Briefly describe the project objective.

Target Group

Who is the video aimed at?

Communication Strategy / Communication Plan

What strategy is the Company / Brand / Product pursuing and how will the video be used within this strategy?

Technical aspects

What technical aspects need to be considered?

2. Conception

The basis for every film to be created is the script. This lists and describes all the image, effect and sound elements in their chronology. Once a detailed script has been created, a calculation can be made. In the Image Film cost estimate, the various production elements of the film are evaluated in monetary terms. The steps required to create the film are summarized in a financial calculation framework (cost estimate for Image Film Production).

A more or less detailed Storyboard can be created in order to achieve a high degree of presentation and visualization security regarding the process, look, quality, effects, etc. for complex projects. Important image sequences are depicted graphically in the Storyboard. A further step is the Animatic, which summarizes the drawn elements in a kind of animated film and animates important key elements (Text Animations, Image Transitions). It is also possible to create a so-called Mood Film. Here, image material is selected from Commercials, Feature and Image Films or Music Videos in order to be able to capture certain image ideas more concretely. As the material is protected by copyright, it may only be used with the express permission of the license holder.
Pre-visualization is particularly useful for clients who are inexperienced in dealing with film media, as it helps to concretize the words of a script.

3. Pre-production

Selection of location / Motif

At which locations should the film be realized? A motif is a closed, spatial unit. Location refers to the entire location. The choice of location and motif determines a considerable part of the logistical process chain and therefore also the associated costs. The "where" is usually divided into two parts. The first part takes place in the run-up to the concept and script creation. The second is during the actual implementation. Here, the location and motif are inspected by the key members of the production crew. Attention is paid to the facets of creative and logistical implementation.

Selection of Production Crew

Which team will realize the production? This is where we determine who will be deployed to realize the production.

Camera Selection

Which camera equipment should be used to realize the Image Film? A differentiation with regard to the desired recording format results in a wide range of costings. There is no real rule as to which recording format should be used for which purpose. Results-oriented, economical use of production resources is absolutely essential and is certainly taken into account in a target-oriented manner by reputable, independent production partners with the appropriate know-how.

Selection of Light

What lighting equipment should be used for the video? The available lighting situations are not always optimal. The right use of light plays a decisive role, especially from a creative point of view.

4. Production

And please! Roll the camera! Often the most expensive phase of a film production. Even for purely Animated Films. Animated Films can also be assigned to the Post-production phase. The dividing line differs depending on the point of view.

5. Post-production

The majority of Post-production consists of reviewing the film material and editing the film. Content from the areas of visual effects (VFX), music and sound design are combined as required.

6. Distribution

The Image Film is ready for your audience. As part of your Content Strategy, the video is distributed to a wide variety of distribution channels. Typical Image Film channels are Youtube, Vimeo, Instgram or Social Media like Facebook, Instagram etc. The company's own website is also a good distribution channel for an Image Video.

Each channel has its own audience and its own rules. It is therefore advantageous to define an appropriate approach in the Content Strategy at an early stage.

What does an Image Film cost?

The costs for an Image Film Production or the Production of a Commercial vary and depend on many factors. The cost of an Image Film Production depends on various factors such as the duration of the film, the effort required for filming and Post-production, the number of people involved and the technical resources used.